This Bewitched Agnes magical girl anime yujin figure from the franchise Oku-sama wa Mahō Shōjo is a must-have for any fan of Japanese animation. The beautifully crafted figurine showcases Agnes, one of the beloved characters from the TV show, in a stunning pose that captures her magical powers and personality. The figure is 15 cm in width and has been manufactured in Japan with great attention to detail to ensure its high quality.Whether you're a collector or just looking for a unique addition to your anime merchandise, this Bewitched Agnes figure is a great choice. It's perfect for display and will make a great conversation starter for any fan of Oku-sama wa Mahō Shōjo. ********************************** From a smoke free but not pet free home. Item has been displayed for the last 15 years and has minor wear, but is still new in box and has been unopened. There are 3 total faces and 3 total hands to mix and match, plus 2 accessories and a base for display. Please refer to photos for box condition.