Смазывающие капли для сухих глаз. Гель - Искусственные слезы для домашних животных 15 ml lubricating drops for dry eyes. Gel - Artificial tears for pets. High molecular weight hylauronic acid content - 0.25%. Rapid and long-lasting relief of dry eye symptoms. Reduces signs and symptoms of dry eye. Quickly soothes irritated eyes. Store at room temperature. Long-term comfort for a painful condition. Dry eye (dry keratoconjunctivitis or KCS) is a common eye condition in cats and dogs that occurs when the tear glands do not produce tears of normal quantity and quality. Tears play an important role in eye health, from lubrication to defense and immune protection. The condition can be very painful because without tears, the eyes feel dry and irritated (like sand in the eyes). Pets with dry eyes are also more prone to infections and ulcers. If left untreated, it can lead to pigmentation changes, scarring of the eye surface, or eventually even blindness. Long-lasting grease Ocunovis is formulated for convenience and is designed to be applied just twice a day, which is good for busy pet parents. Its extended duration reduces the number of applications and does not evaporate like regular eye drops. Each gel drop provides a clear coating that protects and moisturizes the surface of the eye with every blink. Help alleviate and prevent the signs of dry eyes. Talk to your veterinarian if any of the signs or symptoms below appear so they can help your pets maximum comfort with dry and irritated eyes. Pet shows signs of discomfort: Pawing at the eye, excessive blinking, squinting, or trying to keep eyes closed. Redness and inflammation in eyes. Sticky discharge from eyes. Dull or dry appearance. Frequent conjunctivitis or eye infections. Corneal ulcers in some cases. Dark pigment on the eye surface. If your veterinarian has diagnosed Dry Eye Syndrome, HYALURONYD may be used in conjunction with a prescription ointment that treats the underlying cause. It can also be used for dry, irritated eyes and other conditions where eye lubrication and hydration is needed for comfort. The naturally occurring ingredients and the sheer consistency help ensure HYALURONYD does not cause pain, stinging or a glob effect that blurs vision. Speak with your veterinarian for the best options for your pet. Composition This product contains no preservatives. 1 ml of the product consists of the following ingredients: High-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid 0.25%. Sodium chloride 0.9% . Distilled water up to 1 gram. Contact us We can be contacted at any time through eBay messages if you have any questions, comments, or product requests. We will respond to you within 24 hours and do our best to help you out! We encourage our customers to contact us with any questions or concerns! We'd like to be sure you are completely satisfied with your purchase. Payment You can pay for this product in any way that is convenient for you and is supported by Ebay. Shipping This product comes from the United States. The usual delivery time to the buyer is 4-5 days. Disclaimer In case of any problems, please contact us through the Ebay contact form. We try to respond quickly to make sure you have the most positive experience with our service. Refresh Tears Ocunovis BioHance Gel Bayer Remen Can-C K9 Смазочные глазные капли I-Drop Vet PLUS Многодозная смазка Ader Pet Vision 4 Dog & Cat Non-Carnosine (NAC) Сухая глазная катаракта OptixCare Eye Lube Plus Thomas Pet C Bright — очищающее и амортизирующее средство; Смазывающие глазные капли для собак и усилителей; Cats I-Med Pharma I Drop Vet Plus Смазка для глаз Gota Cura Ojos Глазные капли Смазка Can-C Lubricant Глазные капли от катаракты, N-ацетилкарнозин 2 x 5 мл Systane Original Lubricant Eye Drops Relief Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops Быстрый симптом Сухое облегчение покраснения Стерильно Oasis Tears PLUS REPAIRIAN Lubricant глазные капли от катаракты, N-ацетилкарнозин Alcon Systane Complete PF Lubricant Eye Drops Relief Twin Pack Bausch + Lomb Bio True Lubricant Eye Drops для раздраженных сухих глаз Refresh Relieva Lubricant Eye Drops 0,33 унции HylaTears, Lubricant Eye Drops для сухих глаз , 0,67 жидких унций (20 мл) THERA TEARS DRY EYE THERAPY LUBRICANT EYE DROPS (30 мл) Глазные капли с таурином от катаракты для собак и кошек NAC 15 мл Флакон-капельница Поставляется FAST MicrocynAH Curicyn Решение для ухода за глазами для собак и amp; Быстрое заживление кошек, уменьшает воспаление Жидкость для промывания глаз Nutri-Vet для собак POLYPH 5 мл. Лучшие глазные капли для помощи людям Eye Drop & Капли для глаз домашних животных Собаки КошкиОткрывается в новом окне или вкладке vetericyn Curicyn Pink Eye Solution Конъюнктивит EYE-D-AL Burts Bees Curicyn Eye Care Solution для собак LumenPro Капли для глаз домашних животных Akorn Animal Health Opthamlic Pure EyeWash BLUE BAY Eye Vita (VET) Drops Vetericyn Plus ECOLAND Натуральный органический очиститель для глаз с экстрактом зеленого чая и розмарина для собак и кошек KARY UNI Beaphar Dog Cat Eye Lotion 50 мл Стерильный физиологический раствор acorn Angels' Eyes 0087614992099, 0081753826741 0087614992099 0081753826741 0755332284832 0000 087614992 0783318677095 765829566235 600609970089 600609970119 600609970126 0300650429153 300230798655 0300230798655 03006515 09298 300651431285 313098897828 0300230403108 0885235725054 0300233416600 0772195543951 0300651431285 0300650481106 0300230798303 0300650481113 Rohto Dry Aid Lubricant глазные капли 300651431933 Oasis TEARS Lubricant Eye Drops Флакон для помощи при сухих глазах 0358790001302 006988 6941746 0300651433074 0300650429306 300234515302 0300230798303 300650429306 0300230403702 0885152528455 0300651431414 0795861 246512 0300650431330 0300236630102 0310119022795 Biotrue Lubricant Eye Drops Hydration Boost Refresh Optive Advanced Lubricant глазные капли Viscotears Liquid Eye Капли